Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Fischbowl

I guess that in our arrogance, we Americans still feel that we are the best and the brightest. This video by Karl Fisch really makes you think. It makes you question the idea, that probably all Americans have, that we're somehow superior to all other countries. Not to sound non patriotic, or to overlook the progress that we've accomplished, but after viewing this video, it seems that we're declining in today's world.

Maybe declining isn't the correct word, but maybe not keeping up is? Maybe India and China really are passing us in this global race of power? The statistics in the video seem to support this idea, that we really are being passed. I don't know about you, but that is a pretty scary scenario. Although, the statistics in the video, like all statistics, are probably a little skewed to prove the point that he creator had. India and China had more college graduates than the US because they have a bigger population in general. Either way, it seems that it is up to us, the future educators of America, to do something about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way. I never realized how high the statistics are for other countries. I think we have alot to be pushing for educationally.